About Shift Energy

SHIFT Energy was born from the growing need to leverage the power of industrial Machine Learning to improve the performance of large-scale Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) in major buildings, places like pharmaceutical plants, hospitals, commercial real estate, college campuses, shopping centers, data centers and more.

HVAC systems are crucial to creating comfortable conditions for people to live, work and play as well as for a wide range of manufacturing and production. This makes uptime mission critical.

We developed a suite of solutions that boost uptime and reliability of heating and cooling systems while also significantly reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. Our team of certified energy managers, professional engineers, machine learning experts, and software developers are constantly innovating, adding new features, creating more value and building the next generation of Grid-Interactive Efficient Building solutions.

 Part of Mariner, a North American leader in IT and business transformation services, SHIFT can tap into over 300 IT, software, engineering and consulting professionals for a host of complementary services including change management, cybersecurity, analytics, and infrastructure and cloud support.