Actionable Analytics and Insights

EOSinsights creates a digital twin of your chiller plant, enabling a host of performance analytics and scenario planning. It provides facility managers with actionable insight to ensure continuous uptime, manage equipment longevity and reduce operating costs. With secure deployment and an easily accessible dashboard, EOSinsights is the operator’s advantage.

A key strength of EOSinsights is its condition monitoring and predictive repair and maintenance recommendations, based on real-world data from your plant. This includes sensors, chiller tube refurbishment, pump performance degradation, impeller replacements and much more. By tackling these recommendations, you can reduce or eliminate downtime, something particularly important in process cooling, and extend the lifespan of this costly equipment.

EOSinsights will calculate your plant’s Coefficient of Performance (CoP) and benchmark your plant compared to others to give you a clear understanding of its relative performance. It also allows you to run “what if” tests of various operating changes to determine which drives the optimal efficiency, reliability and stability – with zero risk to the plant.

EOSinsights  For Facility Managers

  • Creates a digital twin of your plant
  • Data-driven predictive repair and maintenance
  • Compare performance with manufacturer’s specifications
  • Benchmarks your plant’s Coefficient of Performance (CoP)
  • Run “what if” tests with zero risk to your plant

EOSinsights  For Sustainability and Energy Managers

  • Lowers energy use and carbon emissions
  • Provides auditable GRI-302 and GRI-305 compliant data
  • Integrates with popular ESG reporting platforms
  • Measure trends in water usage
  • Benchmark plant performance

Learn more about EOSinsights